An IAP Open Access Journal

Insights in Animal Science

Insights in Animal Science is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on cutting-edge research in the field of Animal Sciences. It is published by Insights Academic Publishing, a registered entity committed to empowering knowledge exchange. Our commitment is to provide biannual publications in the initial phase, with the vision to enhance the frequency in the near future.

Anchored by a founding editorial team comprising revered experts from prominent universities across Pakistan, specializing in the field of animal agriculture, we mark the beginning of an exciting scholarly venture.

    ISSN: 3007-6420           Imprint Information          Journal Flyer         Open Access
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Journal Browser
January 2024
You are invited to submit manuscripts related to all aspects of animal agriculture
Animal physiology: investigations related to management and production responses.
Animal health and welfare: investigations related to disease prevalence and treatment protocol.
Animal genetics: investigations related to breeding, genetics and genomics.
Animal products: innovations in dairy and meat processing and product technology.
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June 21, 2024
We are delighted to announce that Insights in Animal Science has been officially assigned an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 3007-6420. This marks a step forward in achieving global recognition and enhancing the visibility of our journal within the scientific community. We extend our gratitude to our contributors, reviewers, and readers for their continued support.
May 12, 2024
We are thrilled to announce that Professor Victor E. Cabrera, a distinguished expert in Dairy Production from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has joined our journal's advisory board!
We are honored to welcome Professor Cabrera to our advisory board team and eagerly anticipate the positive impact his guidance will have on advancing our journal's mission.
April 15, 2024
Articles in Insights in Animal Science are now indexed by Google Scholar, making them more visible and accessible to researchers worldwide.
January 10, 2024
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Insights in Animal Science! Our new journal is now accepting submissions. To enhance your publishing experience and streamline our processes, all manuscript submissions will be processed through the user-friendly Open Journal System (OJS) platform. We eagerly await your valuable contributions, fostering meaningful insights in the realm of animal science.
January 2024
Join Insights in Animal Science as a valued reviewer! We are seeking dedicated individuals to contribute their expertise in reviewing manuscripts for our journal. As a reviewer, your name will be listed on our website as a member of Reviewer Board. If you are interested in being a part of our esteemed reviewer community, please contact us.
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